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🪐Spotlighting space-dyed fabric on the blog today - fascinating pics of how it's made + our favorite Regal space-dye pattern picks! Link in bio 👆

#regalfabricsinc #spacedyedyarn #spacedyedfabric #beautifulfabric #trendingfabric #bestfabricsupplier #spacedyedstyle

🪐Spotlighting space-dyed fabric on the blog today - fascinating pics of how it`s made + our favorite Regal space-dye pattern picks! Link in bio 👆

#regalfabricsinc #spacedyedyarn #spacedyedfabric #beautifulfabric #trendingfabric #bestfabricsupplier #spacedyedstyle

19 1
🍸Best-selling hexagon chenille matelassé R-CANGO is giving maximum mod on these @redbirdrefinished chairs! Available in 7 more colors, contact your Regal rep for samples! 📦

#modupholsteryfabric #modfabric #regalfabricsinc #bestfabricsupplier #beautifulfabric #goldupholstery #chenilleupholstery #matelasseupholstery #homedecorfabric #geometricupholstery #moderngeometricfabric

🍸Best-selling hexagon chenille matelassé R-CANGO is giving maximum mod on these @redbirdrefinished chairs! Available in 7 more colors, contact your Regal rep for samples! 📦

#modupholsteryfabric #modfabric #regalfabricsinc #bestfabricsupplier #beautifulfabric #goldupholstery #chenilleupholstery #matelasseupholstery #homedecorfabric #geometricupholstery #moderngeometricfabric

15 1
🫒 “Green shades are shifting more yellow to mossier olive-tones, army & deep forest floor colors," says Regal Design Director Sarah Surace. This @rowefinefurniture sofa in D-Linden Fern velvet is a gorgeous example! See our favorite new green home decor fabrics on the blog, link in bio👆

#olivegreenfabrics #mossygreenfabrics #biophilicfabrics #regalfabricsinc #bestfabricsupplier #trendingfabrics #2025colortrends #2025springcolortrends #beautifulfabrics #greenupholsteryfabric #greendraperyfabric #greenhomedecorfabrics

🫒 “Green shades are shifting more yellow to mossier olive-tones, army & deep forest floor colors," says Regal Design Director Sarah Surace. This @rowefinefurniture sofa in D-Linden Fern velvet is a gorgeous example! See our favorite new green home decor fabrics on the blog, link in bio👆

#olivegreenfabrics #mossygreenfabrics #biophilicfabrics #regalfabricsinc #bestfabricsupplier #trendingfabrics #2025colortrends #2025springcolortrends #beautifulfabrics #greenupholsteryfabric #greendraperyfabric #greenhomedecorfabrics

15 1
🌷Happy 1st day of spring from our NEW fresh floral embroidery K-MacKenzie in Punch! 

See all our new spring 2025 collection fabrics at @internationaltextilealliance Interwoven in High Point in a few short months!

#regalfabricsinc #bestfabricsupplier #interwoven #highpoint #beautifulfabrics #embroideredfabrics #springfabrics #newfabricollection #newfabrics #trendingfabrics #embroidereddraperyfabric #embroideredhomedecorfabric #textileconverterusa #textilewholesalerusa #fabricdesigners #spring2025fabric

🌷Happy 1st day of spring from our NEW fresh floral embroidery K-MacKenzie in Punch!

See all our new spring 2025 collection fabrics at @internationaltextilealliance Interwoven in High Point in a few short months!

#regalfabricsinc #bestfabricsupplier #interwoven #highpoint #beautifulfabrics #embroideredfabrics #springfabrics #newfabricollection #newfabrics #trendingfabrics #embroidereddraperyfabric #embroideredhomedecorfabric #textileconverterusa #textilewholesalerusa #fabricdesigners #spring2025fabric

24 1
☘It's your lucky day! Sneak peek of R-NECCO, a small floral jacquard from our upcoming Spring 25 collection in the colors of the day, green & gold!

See all our new fabrics at @internationaltextilealliance Interwoven in May at our showrooms in High Point, NC.

#stpatricksday #newfabric #trendingfabric #floraljacquard #floralhomedecorfabric #floraljacquardfabric #beautifulfabrics #regalfabricsinc #bestfabricsupplier

☘It`s your lucky day! Sneak peek of R-NECCO, a small floral jacquard from our upcoming Spring 25 collection in the colors of the day, green & gold!

See all our new fabrics at @internationaltextilealliance Interwoven in May at our showrooms in High Point, NC.

#stpatricksday #newfabric #trendingfabric #floraljacquard #floralhomedecorfabric #floraljacquardfabric #beautifulfabrics #regalfabricsinc #bestfabricsupplier

20 0
🏮Spring 25 sneak peek - popular K-Lantern plush velvet gets a new color, Silversage. Luxe vibes all around 💅

#spring25fabrics #springcollectionsneakpeek #bestfabricsupplier #regalfabricsinc #velvethomedecorfabric #silversage #velvetfabric #geometricvelvetfabric #velvetupholsteryfabric #velvetpillowfabric #velvetdraperyfabric #greenvelvetfabrics #olivegreenfabrics

🏮Spring 25 sneak peek - popular K-Lantern plush velvet gets a new color, Silversage. Luxe vibes all around 💅

#spring25fabrics #springcollectionsneakpeek #bestfabricsupplier #regalfabricsinc #velvethomedecorfabric #silversage #velvetfabric #geometricvelvetfabric #velvetupholsteryfabric #velvetpillowfabric #velvetdraperyfabric #greenvelvetfabrics #olivegreenfabrics

23 1
🏆 Congrats to Regal's Scott Kahan, Director of Product, for being named a 2025 recipient of the Paul Broyhill Leaders Award by the @home_furnishings_hall_of_fame! 

The award is given annually to emerging leaders under 40 who are “making their mark on their companies through the excellence and achievement needed to move to the next level”, says Satya Tiwari, president of the Hall of Fame board.

Scott will be presented with the award along with 4 other winners on April 24th at the Hall of Fame in High Point, NC.

#americanhomefurnishingshalloffame #paulbroyhillfutureleaders #paulbroyhillleadersaward #homefurnishingsindustryleader #regalfabricsinc #bestfabricsupplier

🏆 Congrats to Regal`s Scott Kahan, Director of Product, for being named a 2025 recipient of the Paul Broyhill Leaders Award by the @home_furnishings_hall_of_fame!

The award is given annually to emerging leaders under 40 who are “making their mark on their companies through the excellence and achievement needed to move to the next level”, says Satya Tiwari, president of the Hall of Fame board.

Scott will be presented with the award along with 4 other winners on April 24th at the Hall of Fame in High Point, NC.

#americanhomefurnishingshalloffame #paulbroyhillfutureleaders #paulbroyhillleadersaward #homefurnishingsindustryleader #regalfabricsinc #bestfabricsupplier

53 9
🍷This year browns are trending to red-browns and chocolates that hedge either port or eggplant, says Regal Fabrics’ Design Director, Sarah Surace. See the latest fabrics in these on-trend hues on our blog, link in bio! 👆

#regalfabricsinc #bestfabricsupplier #redbrown #trendingfabrics #beautifulfabrics #sophisticatedfabrics #2025colortrends #2025homedecortrends #2025hometrends

🍷This year browns are trending to red-browns and chocolates that hedge either port or eggplant, says Regal Fabrics’ Design Director, Sarah Surace. See the latest fabrics in these on-trend hues on our blog, link in bio! 👆

#regalfabricsinc #bestfabricsupplier #redbrown #trendingfabrics #beautifulfabrics #sophisticatedfabrics #2025colortrends #2025homedecortrends #2025hometrends

23 0
🥀Linen-blend R-ROSE BLOSSOM presented in perfect pattern matching by @bonnies_sewing_and_upholstery! Shown in Rose, available in 3 more colorways. Samples available now, contact your Regal rep 📦

#regalfabricsinc #bestfabricsupplier #rosefabric #rosefloralfabric #rosefloralupholstery #floralupholstery #linenprintfabric #homedecorfabric #beautifulfabric #trendingfabric #thinkspring #aroseisarose

🥀Linen-blend R-ROSE BLOSSOM presented in perfect pattern matching by @bonnies_sewing_and_upholstery! Shown in Rose, available in 3 more colorways. Samples available now, contact your Regal rep 📦

#regalfabricsinc #bestfabricsupplier #rosefabric #rosefloralfabric #rosefloralupholstery #floralupholstery #linenprintfabric #homedecorfabric #beautifulfabric #trendingfabric #thinkspring #aroseisarose

16 1
☀️NEW! We're ready for warm weather with 3 new patterns of our indoor/outdoor fabric! Part of the outshine Ray collection, these 100% solution-dyed fabrics boast 3,000 hours of UV resistance and PFAS-free stain & water repellent, backed by a 5-yr warranty. 

Samples available now, contact your Regal rep! 📦 

R-Terrace: outshine modern checkerboard
R-Porch: outshine woven trellis
R-Pergola: outshine stamped leaf geometric

All available in 5 colors: Pool, Sea, Sun, Poppy & Grass

#bestfabricsupplier #regalfabricsinc #indooroutdoorfabric #outdoorfabric #pfasfreetextiles #pfasfreefabric #dopaminedecor #beautifulfabrics #trendingfabrics

☀️NEW! We`re ready for warm weather with 3 new patterns of our indoor/outdoor fabric! Part of the outshine Ray collection, these 100% solution-dyed fabrics boast 3,000 hours of UV resistance and PFAS-free stain & water repellent, backed by a 5-yr warranty.

Samples available now, contact your Regal rep! 📦

R-Terrace: outshine modern checkerboard
R-Porch: outshine woven trellis
R-Pergola: outshine stamped leaf geometric

All available in 5 colors: Pool, Sea, Sun, Poppy & Grass

#bestfabricsupplier #regalfabricsinc #indooroutdoorfabric #outdoorfabric #pfasfreetextiles #pfasfreefabric #dopaminedecor #beautifulfabrics #trendingfabrics

23 2
🐪 Warm neutrals are hot for 2025, taking top spot over long-reigning grays, says Regal Design Director, Sarah Surace. See our blog post for our favorite new camel 🐪, wheat 🌾 & wood-tone browns 🪵, link in bio! 👆

#warmneutralfabric #neutralfabrics #warmfabrics #camelfabric #brownfabric #wheatfabric #warmneutrals #beautifulfabrics #trendingfabrics #regalfabricsinc #bestfabricsupplier

🐪 Warm neutrals are hot for 2025, taking top spot over long-reigning grays, says Regal Design Director, Sarah Surace. See our blog post for our favorite new camel 🐪, wheat 🌾 & wood-tone browns 🪵, link in bio! 👆

#warmneutralfabric #neutralfabrics #warmfabrics #camelfabric #brownfabric #wheatfabric #warmneutrals #beautifulfabrics #trendingfabrics #regalfabricsinc #bestfabricsupplier

28 0
🌺 Tropical tapestry R-LISBON was made for this pretty antique sofa by @laubacherupholstery!

Samples available now, contact your Regal rep! 📦 

#bestfabricsupplier #trendingfabrics #beautifulfabric #tapestryfabric #floraltapestry #botanicaltapestry #regalfabricsinc #upholsteryfabric #tapestryupholsteredfurniture #biophilicfabrics

🌺 Tropical tapestry R-LISBON was made for this pretty antique sofa by @laubacherupholstery!

Samples available now, contact your Regal rep! 📦

#bestfabricsupplier #trendingfabrics #beautifulfabric #tapestryfabric #floraltapestry #botanicaltapestry #regalfabricsinc #upholsteryfabric #tapestryupholsteredfurniture #biophilicfabrics

19 2

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