Woven Words

A blog by Regal Fabrics

Regal’s Commitment to Ethical Textile Sourcing & What It Means for Your Business

August 25, 2024

Did you know that Regal Fabrics has a Responsible Supply Chain Policy?

We require vendors to conduct their business in a way that complies with all applicable federal, state, local and foreign laws, rules and regulations, including those regarding labor, employment and human rights, as well as those regarding anti-bribery. The set of laws includes the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act, the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, laws and regulations concerning forced labor as outlined by the International Labor Organization, and the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

In addition, we require vendors to identify upstream suppliers within their own supply chains and mandate that they also adhere to Regal’s Supply Chain Policy. 

Regal Fabrics Responsible Supply Chain Policy

The effort and commitment Regal puts forth in maintaining an ethical global textile supply chain means your business can trust that the textiles you use on your furniture or provide to your customers were made from responsibly sourced materials, with fair labor and practices that support human rights, all backed up with proper documentation. 

See full details of Regal’s Responsible Supply Chain Policy here.

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